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Alternate Text Services

The Alternate Text (Alt. Text) Services unit converts course materials into accessible formats for students with disabilities. 

Onboarding & Continued Support

Your disability specialist will work with you to determine suitable alternate format accommodations. Once your alternate format accommodations are approved, your disability specialist will connect you with the Alt. Text Services unit. In this initial meeting, Alt. Text Services staff will guide you through the paperwork and permissions needed for text conversion. They'll also show you how to request alternate format materials and how to use any relevant assistive technology.

Students should actively participate in the process throughout their enrollment and inform Alt. Text Services of required materials each semester to facilitate conversions.

Purchasing Books, Supplies, and Technology

View from above of students working on laptop computers with notebooks and papers on a tabletop

While you’re responsible for buying the required materials and supplies listed in the syllabus or by your department, you won't be charged personally for approved accommodations. 

Alt. Text Services works with you and your instructor, department, and/or supervisor to provide access to needed software/hardware.

Get in Touch



1103 McKeldin Library
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