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students walking across McKeldin Mall on a sunny day

Welcome to Accessibility & Disability Service

We support all undergraduate and graduate students with disabilities across the University of Maryland and ensure equal access and inclusion in education. Discover how we coordinate academic, housing, and student employment/assistantship accommodations below.

Learn More About Us

Supporting Students With Disabilities

We recognize disability as an integral aspect of the diverse landscape on our campus. Disabilities can vary widely, some might be easily recognizable while many are invisible. We aim to celebrate each student and recognize the distinctive qualities and strengths they introduce to our community. We follow the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which defines disability as a physical or mental impairment limiting major life activities, and personalize your accommodations through discussion, documentation review, and collaboration with instructors or departments.


Schedule a consultation and meet with a disability specialist to understand disability accommodations related to your UMD experience

Make an appointment

Disability Specialists

Learn how disability specialists help you implement accommodations at UMD

Get connected

Documentation Guidance

Find information on self-reporting and documentation from external sources and access important forms

Learn more


Discover services for students, such as testing, classroom access, housing, and other accommodations

Explore services

Total registered students with ADS
Student body is registered with ADS
Proctored accommodated tests last year

Quick Links

student wearing a terrapin strong mask working on her laptop sitting in a booth

Student Log In

Streamlined access for students registered with ADS to share accommodation letters, book a test/exam, and request course notes.

Registered Student Portal

two students and an instructor in the front of a lecture hall looking at a laptop that one of the students is holding

Instructor/TA Log In

Acknowledge accommodation letters, confirm test requests, complete the Test Authorization Form (TAF), and upload assessment materials.

Instructor/TA Portal

close-up of hand with pencil writing on paper

Note Taker Application

Did you know as a UMD student you can serve as a peer note taker and that you can get paid to share your notes? 

Apply Now

Students outdoors on the Mall on an unseasonably warm February day.

How to Register With ADS

To request disability accommodations and begin working with ADS please complete the following steps:

  1. Submit the ADS Registration Application
  2. Schedule a meeting with a disability specialist 
  3. Provide a self-report and supporting documentation

*For residence hall housing accommodations, you will need to apply for on-campus housing and complete the Accommodated Housing Application Form via the ADS Portal. 

Registration Process

Featured Resources

We strive to create an inclusive campus for all students. We offer a wide range of resources to help you thrive in your personal and academic environments.

Student Resources

Find supportive communities, academic tools, quiet spaces, and more to enhance your Maryland experience

Explore resources

Transitioning to UMD

Learn how to transition accommodations from other institutions/high schools and set up accommodations at UMD 

Transition process

Temporary Accommodations

Read about short-term accommodations for temporary conditions or injuries (e.g., broken bones, concussions, etc.)

View services

Visiting Students

Discover how to register with ADS if you're completing a course or program at Maryland but not seeking to obtain a degree

Learn more

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